Exercise therapy aims to optimise patient function and well being. This helps integrate you back into your chosen lifestyle activities, whether it is at home, work or leisure.
Dry Needling is where an acupuncture needle is inserted into a trigger point (muscle knot) by a certified practitioner for the management of reduced range of motion caused by painful muscles.
Soft tissue massage is a technique of pressure and stretch in a rhythmical flow. Massage is used in the early stages of recovery to relieve tension in muscles.
A Trigger point is an irritable muscle knot. Treatment involves a sustained compression technique that helps ease muscle tension and improves range of motion significantly.
Joint Mobilisations are used to treat stiff joints. Treatment involves a skilled pulsing movement of the joint, performed by a certified Physiotherapist to improve joint range of motion and pain.
Taping can be used as a temporary adjunct to early stages of rehabilitation, with the intention to stabilise and take load off an irritable anatomical structure, in order to protect or reduce aggravation.